It's all change
Graduation is a time to celebrate your achievements over many years, But it is also a time where things will change.
If you have graduated high school, then it means that you are either going into the work force or you are going to university.
Your life will change.
It can be a little scary thing when life changes.
Going to Highschool or college for many years has been the normal thing but now that graduation has taken place things will change.
But we should look at it as a positive change.
We are moving forward; It may be a little scary going into the unknown for a little while but we will experience new things and make new friends.
It is all part of life.
Our past works will have helped and shaped us into the person that we are today, the challenges good and bad help to build character.
So, if you have just graduated, look forward you have a great future ahead.
There will be new surprises ahead, new adventures, new friends.
As a door closes so another one opens.
It's an exciting time.