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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Miracles From Heaven

We review the film based on the incredible true story of the Beam family.


Warning! Get your box of tissues at the ready, because this is a tear-jerker!

Sony Entertainment Pictures brings us the incredible true story of the Beam family from Texas. Christy discovers that her 10 year old daughter Anna, has a rare and incurable disease and she stops at nothing to see her daughter fully healed. After a heart breaking accident, a miracle beyond belief takes place that leaves medical experts speechless.

Directed by Patricia Riggen, it is beautifully shot using stunning scenes of the Texas countryside. The two stand out performances were from Jennifer Garner, who plays the mum, Christy Beam and Kylie Rogers, who plays Anna Beam. Jennifer Garner acts with raw and real emotion during key devastating scenes, which anyone could relate to, if they were seeing a love one in distress and pain. The emotion that Jennifer acts with is remarkable and transports you straight into her world.

Kylie Rogers who is 12 years-old, is charming and just as captivating as Julie and their mother-daughter relationship draws you further into the story. They certainly make a strong team together! Having previously seen Kylie in the TV series Once Upon a Time, it's great to see her in a very different role. I am excited to watch her developing career.

A quick mention has to be made about Queen Latifah who plays the role of Angela in the film. She never fails to put a smile on your face and plays the part of the modern day, cool, Good Samaritan, with very colourful character. We certainly need more Angelas in our lives, to bring some fun in a world that can be too serious.

The film's soundtrack was composed by Carlo Silliotto, who created very emotive pieces to sit alongside the outstanding acting. The band, Third Day, also make an appearance in the film, leading worship at the Beam’s church, singing Soul on Fire.

Miracles from Heaven is produced by the same people who made the adaptation of Todd Burpo's 'Heaven is for Real', another amazing true story.

Overall, I would not describe this as an entertaining movie. It will captivate you though and move your emotions, leaving you filled with questions about faith, healing and heaven. After watching the film, children may also need to discuss the storyline with their parent or guardian.

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