يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Prince William to visit Ramallah This week

Radio Hayah spoke with Fadi originally from Gaza to get his thoughts.




Radio Hayah

 Fadi is it important that Prince William will visit Mahmoud Abbas ?



It’s a good question, Yeah of course we are welcoming anyone from the whole world to come to visit Palestine and everywhere it’s a freedom to come and its meaning encouragement for the Palestinian people and supporting what Palestinians are facing in that time, In difficult time, Its encouraging for the President Mahmoud Abbas and for Palestinian Prince William coming to visit it means England Wow it’s a big country Prince William to come It means a lot for us Like a Palestinian, We like that and we encourage people from outside to come to visit Palestine and Mahmoud Abbas our President and we pray that God gives them both wisdom, How to really support the Palestinian people.


Radio Hayah

Now he will hear issues facing refugee communities, Is this important ?



Yes, Refugees all around like Syria, Iraq but there are our issues, Palestinian is very important because until 48 until now from 67 and still now we are facing to not have our rights to return to our homes or our countries but it’s a bad situation in refugee camps around our area, West Bank, Gaza, Through buildings, Water, Many Issues facing the refugees, they feel that they lost everything, it’s a bad feeling from inside, the emotion, like what is my ID where am I know, who am I, they are facing Identity issue.


Radio Hayah 

He will get to talk to young people, do you think it's important that he talks to the young people?, are young people going through difficulties? and what would you want the young people to share with him? 



I encourage the young people to open their hearts and to share what is the fear from the future, we are like Palestinian because we have many issues like refugees where is the next step through  like politics, like economic facing the young adult and thinking I want to go out (the country) to see my future. But its good the young adults open their hearts and to share the fear and what they are facing in a difficult situation.


Radio Hayah


Now he will celebrate Palestinian culture, music and food what sort of food do you think he is going to eat ?



We have haha(Fadi Laughs ) many traditional foods, I encourage him because I am from Gaza to eat fish, it's very delicious We have food like upside down, we have traditional we are very happy to see  that to taste that, it's very important.


Radio Hayah

If he was to come to your house what would you give him ?



Fish and Pray for him , I hope the next days to be a blessing for all both sides to be peace, really peace in the heart.

الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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