يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


It's your right.


There are many things that happen in the world, some of them we won't agree with.

But what do we do when we don't agree with something?

One thing we can do is protest.

If a government is doing something that we don't like sometimes we need to remind them who put them there in the first place.

People are only in power because of an election which was chosen by the people.

Sometimes governments forget that they are there to serve the people.

Government can't and shouldn't do just what it likes, it needs to listen to the people because that is who put them in power in the first place.

When government doesn't listen what can we do?

Well, there is protest.

We can protest our point with others.

But how we protest says a lot about us and our character.

In America we have seen Black Lives Matter protesting on the streets.

If you think that there is injustice for black people then it is good to protest and make people think about your cause, but sadly the BLM movement shamed themselves because it became a violent protest and a looting protest.

People started smashing windows and stealing people's property.

What a shame on the people who were protesting their cause.

People have a right to protest, but no one has the right to be violent and destroy someone else's property.

When you force your argument with violence you lose the respect of the people around you in the community.

So today if you feel like there is injustice in your community feel free to let others know and protest if you need to, but don't let your protest become violent.

الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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