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Read a book

Enjoy some culture


We live in a digital age and we are surrounded with entertainment.
Our parents never had so much choice, they never had social media.
Can you imagine there was a time when you turned on the TV and there were only a few
There wasn't 24-hour TV and the TV was in Black and White.
Of course, today things have changed we have multi channels with satellite tv.
We have infinite radio channels with the internet, times have certainly changed.
Today we are always being entertained with either this or that. But have you ever
considered the entertainment of a book.
A book can take you into many worlds and situations.
It stimulates the imagination.
Reading is good for you and it is entertainment at the same time.
You can go anywhere with a book.
Unknown worlds like Narnia with C S Lewis Chronicles of Narnia series.
You can go to an Island with Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island.
Visit a Chocolate factory with Charlie and the Chocolate factory, written by
Roald Dahl.
There is a whole world of books in which to choose.
Take some time to get out of the digital world and relax and rest with a book.
Bethlehem Bible college has a library full of books so you don't even need to buy one you
can borrow one and let your mind travel to many destinations.
Read a book today.

الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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