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Find Me-Sarah Anne Taylor
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

Stocks and shares

It's a game of up and down


Some people like to play on the stock market, It's a place where you can make a lot of money, It is also a place where you can lose a lot of money too.

Stocks go up and they go down.

Perhaps some bad news is announced like an increase in the interest rate, that in turn will send the stock market down. But if it is good news then it will go up.

We never know what will happen in life but there will be ups and downs.

With the stock market you have to be patient.

If you buy a lot of stock and the price tumbles, then you don't want to be selling it because you will make a big loss.

You have to be patient and wait and maybe wait a little more, It could be a while that you have to wait until the market picks up and those stocks start to make you some money again.

You have to keep checking the stock market to see where the market is.

Is it ready yet for a sell” and then try to get a good profit for what you are selling.

But don't be too greedy, you may wait for the price to go up a little more and then the market starts heading downward again.

You missed your chance to sell.

It sounds a little bit like life, We never know what is going to come our way.

Life has its ups and downs; We just never know what is going to be around the corner.

But we don't keep our eye on the stock market we keep our eyes on God.

He has us in his hand and he will lead us through any up or downs.

We just have to be patient.

Let God lead you through the ups and downs of life.

الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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