يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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The seasons of life

Things change


Every year we get four seasons and they are all different.

In the spring time it is the new beginnings with the spring flowers coming out, they're a beautiful display of colour. We also get the spring lambs leaping about in the fields looking so cute.

In the summer time It is holiday time, the sun is out and we like to have BBQs in the garden.

In Autumn it changes again the leaves begin to fall off the trees preparing themselves for winter. And in winter we have the snow, something every child looks forward to.

Every season brings change and also something to look forward to.

You may like some seasons and others you hate, for me personally I like them all but for others they may hate.

Winter for example is cold, the days are shorter and there can be ice on the road and pavement. If you're an older person, it can be a season you hate because you are scared of falling and hurting yourself.

If you live on your own it may be a season that you don't see many people because you don't want to go out in the cold and you don't want to slip on the ice.

Our lives go through seasons, we have times when everything seems to be going right, we are enjoying life and things are perfect, at other times we go through heartache and pain, perhaps a loss of a loved one so we go through a season of grieving.

We have to expect the rough with the smooth, for the great days we experience we have to expect difficult days too, it's all part of the seasons in life.

We get older and when we get older our bodies get a little bit slower too, we have a few more aches and pains, It's the season we are in.

But be thankful for the seasons, they are all part of the life we live.

God has given us an amazing world to live in, he teaches us lessons to learn as we experience the ups and downs.

الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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