يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Why read the bible ?

Advice on why we should read the bible.


The bible is the inspired word of God, written by many authors but in total unity


The bible will keep you intune with Gods heart, You will know what God thinks about you.


The bible will guide you through lifes difficulties, We all go through highs and lows, Its words of wisdom will give you peace in the storm.


The bible will help you to know the truth and spot a lie, With many different ideas and philopicies its hard to know the truth, But the bible is from God so it is truth.


The bible never changes, Opinions in the world change but the bible stays the same


The bible is a good code for morality, Many people do what is right in their own eyes, But its Gods eye that counts. The bible tells us what is right and wrong.


The bible is spiritual food for us all to eat upon, It benefits us spiritually, That lasts for eternity.


The bible shows us Gods plan for Salvation, It shows us we are sinners, But it also shows us God's grace, Jesus Christ.


The Bible is God talking to you and me, If we don't read it how can we know what God is saying.


The bible has and old and New testement which compliment each other.


The bible teaches us how to live, It points out sins to avoid which help us live a fulfilled and joyful life.


The bible shows us ordinary people who done wonderful things under the power of God, and we can be like those people today.


The bible is a light that shines, In dark days and painful times the bible will shine strong.


The Bible is Gods gift to manking, But do we read it or leave it on a shelf collecting dust?


The bible is a book of history with lots of lessons which we can learn from. We can see how others made mistakes and learn ourselves not to repeat them.


The bible tells me that God loves me, Of all the people in the whole world God sees me and cares for me.

الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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