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The Palestinian Band Mafar Releases Its Official Album Series "VISA"

Music News


On Wednesday July 17th 2019, the Palestinian rock band “Mafar” released its second album “VISA - تأشيرة” on various social media & musical platforms, presenting it to its audience after being anticipated for over a year.


“VISA - تأشيرة” is based on exposing the audience to an audiovisual experience that includes motion, showcasing a story about a young man and the daily conflicts that the Arab youth experiences in presence of occupation, inequitable governments, social class division, and order of Tarboush’s. The album focuses on political, social, economic, and cultural issues that has been marginalized by the system.


“VISA - تأشيرة”, A Musical series that portrays a complete story combined in a special audiovisual production that is considered the first of its kind in the Arab world. The album holds 10 audiovisual sequenced tracks that tells a series like story addressing the reality of the Arab youth. “VISA - تأشيرة” album is considered an artistic, musical, and cultural monument that sheds the light on the Arab societies’ in our mean time. Taking into account that it is the first of a kind in the middle paving way for an album that embraces 10 video shot musical tracks combined together in a series like way which integrates and merges music, theatrical acting, audiovisual effects all at once showcasing a different artistic experience in contrast to any other standard composed music in addition to radical lyrics that are delivered through self-pronouns of which “Mafar” fans anticipated the last three months.


For watching “VISA - تأشيرة” series on “Mafar” YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/30HAJyx

To follow “Mafar” on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MafarBand


About “Mafar”:

“Mafar” is a Palestinian alternative rock band that consists of 6 members. The band was formed in Palestine in 2014 and came with an idea of reforming the alternative music base and representing it in a special way in the Arab world. “Mafar” released its first album “Untitled – بلا عنوان” on July 2016 which consists of 9 tracks. The band found a new way of merging the western music with eastern vocals creating a new musical character that is able to represent the reality and daily difficulties that faces the youth in the Arab world.  


Internationally, “Mafar” ranked the second place among different Arab countries in the Arab Festival for Youth Music in Guelmim – Morocco and harvested three other individual prizes.


The Palestinian band “Mafar” is considered one of the pioneer bands that contributed in polishing the Arabic rock music and altering it in a different aspect. “Mafar” members hold different musical skills that enabled the band to produce an album enriched by arrangements, production, as well as video shooting skills of which translates and communicates with the audiovisual senses of the listener and embodies it in the character conflicts of the series. 


Furthermore, it converts music and lyrics to a visual material supporting the storytelling of the album, reinforcing the psychological state of the listener to be part of the experience, making it the first album of its kind produced in Palestine for the Arab world.


“Mafar” is currently planning for opening acts tour for the release of “VISA - تأشيرة” album. The show will incorporate live visual art dance group to enact and simulate the sequence of the series episodes through the ten tracks album. The album displays the coherence, power, challenge, resistance against the reality that the Arab youth struggle to live every day. 


“Mafar” as a band was able to establish a fan base in Palestine, Jordan, and finally Egypt considering it is still presenting alternative rock music in a different radical way close to the Arab youth of which was crowned by Mafar’s new album “VISA - تأشيرة”.

الاكثر من الأخبار المحلية العاجلة

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