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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Abigail Duhon: The teenage singer and actress with a wealth of experience

We talk with an artist who has been a recording since age 11.


Considering that Abigail Duhon is only 17 years old, this young lady from New Orleans has packed an amazing amount into her showbiz career. She's had singles on America's Hot Singles Sales Chart since the age of 11, has enjoyed a successful acting career appearing in both the popular God Is Not Dead movies and now has a hot self-titled EP out. There is a powerful spiritual message in the songs on the latter, one of which "I'm Not Ashamed" was co-written by the singer, actress and dancer. She told us, "I've been through struggles myself, I've encountered peer pressure. I've seen friends who I used to go to church with fall away from God. It's so, so important that we don't buy into all the things that could pull us away from Christ. That's what my music is trying to convey."


Abigail was born in New Orleans on 20th April 2000. A prodigiously talented child, by the age of six she had started piano lessons and vocal training and by nine had become a recording artist, being signed to Christendom's answer to Disney, iShine Records. Her album 'Right Now' saw two singles, "La La La" and "Praying For You", make Billboard's Hot Singles Sales Chart.


By 2013 she had launched her acting career with a part in the film This Is Our Time and in 2014 was cast as student Abi Wheaton in the first of the two God's Not Dead movies. Her most challenging role, though, was in I'm Not Ashamed which tells the story of Rachel Joy Scott from the Columbine High School shootings.


Today she speaks openly about her faith. "I was five years old when I first accepted Christ into my heart at church but it wasn't until the last couple of years that I fully surrendered everything in my life to him. My music at the moment is quite dance-orientated but who knows where it might go in the future? As I grow older I think my music will reflect that. What will remain the same though is my message, that only in abandoning everything to the Lord will you find direction and fulfilment in your life."

الاكثر من الموسيقى والحياة أخبار

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