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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Colton Dixon

Colton Dixon with Annie Coggeshall at Disney Land

Disney World engagement for the CCM hitmaker

قراءة في العربية

As many a stardom-obsessed hopeful has found, TV talent searches may bring instant fame for the blessed few but fame can evaporate terrifyingly quickly. So Tennessee's Colton Dixon, who enjoyed mass exposure during the 11th season of American Idol, is to be congratulated for carving out a successful Christian music ministry. His piano-driven ballad "Through All Of It" was a Christian Adult Contemporary number one hit Stateside while his songs "Our Time Is Now", "Never Gone" and "Scars" are all Radio Hayah radio playlist tracks. Things are going well for the singer/songwriter and in Florida recently he had something new to celebrate.

Colton had worldwide bloggers talking after he announced his engagement to his girlfriend Annie Coggeshall at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, where he was performing at Disney's Night Of Joy. At the event on Friday 11th September Dixon announced his engagement from the stage. He had met Coggeshall through a mutual friend at a concert in Los Angeles and they have been together for almost three years.

The singer spoke about his feelings at the event. "I can't believe I'm already at this stage of life. I've seen friends and family make this step, and it's always seemed so far away, but here we are. After mulling over how and where to propose, I could think of no better place than Walt Disney World. I've known that Annie was the one for me for a long time, but God's timing is always perfect. Listening to him and being intentional in our time together and apart as we grew as people was so important. Thank you to all of my friends and family who cheered me on during this time! There it is guys and gals. I'm getting married!"

الاكثر من الموسيقى والحياة أخبار

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