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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Philippa Hanna: An unexpected viral hit with an Ed Sheeran cover

We report on the surprise success of Philippa Hanna’s version of Ed Sheeran’s "Perfect".


UK Christendom's most popular female singer, Philippa Hanna, is enjoying a surprise viral hit with her video cover of Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" from his multi-platinum “÷” album. Said the singer, "I rewrote the words with a Gospel/Easter twist. I love rewriting things in this way but never usually share them for fear of being a bit twee, or not doing justice to the original. This idea however wouldn't go away so I thought I'd share it as part of my Inspiration 365 YouTube blog. In the past couple of days, it's been picked up and shared by a few social media channels and yesterday alone the video has had over one million views and was shared 40,000 times! I'm blown away and humbled!"


The video has now received over six million views. Philippa met Ed in 2016 when touring with mutual friends Little Mix around Europe, having been a fan of his since before he hit the big time. The Sheffield-based singer/songwriter has released five independent albums since 2007 as well as opening major tours for Lionel Richie, Leona Lewis and Anastacia, singing her own brand of inspirational faith-filled music. Since 1st January, Philippa has been posting daily videos as part of her Inspiration 365 YouTube series. "Perfect Grace" is the first worship cover that Philippa has shared.


Said Philippa, "I have a habit of doing gospel makeovers of pop songs in my head just for fun. Usually it's a bit daft and I'd never think of singing it out loud (ha ha). But this time I couldn't let go of this idea."

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