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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Sarah Anne Taylor

A singer and songwriter not prepared to compromise

قراءة في العربية

Sarah Anne Taylor, who is currently on the Radio Hayah playlist with her haunting "Find Me" has a winningly concise way of telling her story. "I currently live in Colorado, but will always be a Texan at heart. My love affair with all things musical started when I was 13. I stepped through the doors of our church youth group building and saw the praise band. I watched them play and listened to them sing. It was then that I knew, that's what I wanted to do. I got my first guitar that next Christmas and the rest is history! I have been playing, singing and writing music for over 10 years now. I currently help lead worship at Eagle Bible Church and teach guitar and piano lessons in the Vail Valley area."

Sarah is signed to a record label, but not an American one - Adison Records is based in Switzerland. They state that their ambition is "to work with global artists who have a unique message, excellent artistry and spiritual maturity." As the ‘Sarah Anne Taylor’ EP on which "Fine Me" features, demonstrates. Speaking about her debut Sarah said, "I love expressing the heights and depths of my walk with the Lord through music. I pray that it brings him glory and points others to the same grace that restored my life. I also throw in a few cheesy love songs every now and then."

Following up ‘Sarah Anne Taylor’, Adison have now released Sarah's single "Small Steps", produced by the renowned hitmaker Dustin Taylor (Royal Tailor, Moriah Peters). She said, "'Small Steps' is my personal testimony. I grew up with Christian influences all my life and was always involved in my church in one way or another. I fell in love with Christ early. But a time in my life came when I found myself surrounded by the world, and it honestly didn't look that bad. Everyone was having fun, no one was getting hurt, and all these lines I'd learned not to cross started to blur.

"I thought, Why not? I could try this out. So I started making small compromises here and there, taking small steps away from who I was. But then one day, it hit me so hard how far I had walked away from what I knew to be true. I had become a completely different person. Praise the Lord, at that moment I dropped to my knees and let forgiveness change me and bring me back to the grace I had called home."

Taylor's heart behind this song is that small steps are so easily taken. That life is the summation of all the little decisions we make, but can be completely and utterly changed by the decision to follow Christ. "The great thing about following Jesus is that he calls us to walk, not run, with him. The small steps we take with him are far easier and peaceful than the ones we take away. They also lead to a very real and ultimate paradise."

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