يعرض الآن

Rose Gold-Whatuprg
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

A Bed of straw

A Bed of straw


I imagine there were cows and sheep looking on as he was born.

Jesus was God's son so you would expect him to be born in Grandeur.

Perhaps in a big palace with the best of the best doctors and mid wives around.

You would expect that a beautiful wooden cot would have been made for him out of expensive wood.

You would think that the best linen would be bought to make a blanket to keep Baby Jesus warm

But No.

Jesus was found in a small stable and his bed was a manger and some straw.

It's not what you would expect for the Son of God.

But it actually reflected Jesus life on earth.

He didn't come for fame and fortune.

He didn't come to make a name for himself.

He came as a little tiny baby in Bethlehem, that would grow up and change the world.

Jesus came to die for our sins.

And where did it all start.

In a Manger full of straw in Bethlehem.

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