Imagine being a Donkey which will carry Jesus,
Wow its a great privilege carrying Jesus into Jerusalem.
It was a big responsibility.
The disciples came to collect the donkey, Jesus told them exactly where it would be, It would be a donkey never ridden before.
You may ask Jesus why are you going to ride a donkey never ridden, as soon as you sit on him he is going to throw you off, because he won't be used to people being upon his back.
But Jesus Had power and authority even over a humble donkey.
I imagine the donkey had his ears back and walked proudly into Jerusalem, thinking to himself “Look at me I'm the one carrying the messiah”.
No one was going to put him off his mission.
People started shouting and throwing their Jackets on the floor, others took Palm branches and waved them,
But all this still didn't distract the donkey, he kept on course to his destination.
The people in the city were very happy to see Jesus, they shouted for Joy, but the mood would soon change, It wouldn't be long before the people of Jerusalem would be shouting crucify Him, crucify him.
We all need to make our minds up as to who Jesus is.
Is he a mad man.?
Is he a prophet.?
Or is he the Son of God.?