King David was a man after God's heart,
The bible tells us this is true.
But even this godly man sinned.
He sinned in a bad way.
King David had an affair with a married woman.
And when he got her pregnant he tried to hide the fact.
When he couldn't hide his sin he had the husband killed.
There was a time in David's life where sin consumed David's heart.
Its a warning to us.
If you think you stand strong beware.
Temptation can come knocking at your door.
How will you deal with it when it comes?
The bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you.
But first you have to submit yourelf to God.
God is your strength and your sheild when the fiery darts of the devil are fired at you.
King David is a great example of how the good can fall.
Lets learn and keep close to God.