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A Star's story

Have you ever heard the story of the star.?


Well this Christmas Star has a story to tell.

And it's an amazing story .

This star was a new star.

He was big and bright and he shone in the sky beautifully.

People were excited about his appearance.

They followed the star where ever he went.

They knew that something special was going to happen.

This star meant something.

As he traveled across the sky, underneath were 3 wise men following.

When the Star moved they moved, when he stopped they stopped.

The star was being followed, and the wise men below knew that the Star meant something.

Then the Star came to a little town called Bethlehem, It was a nice little town, On the hill. There were caves nearby so the star stopped over a cave.

The Kings got exited, This is the spot this is the place, It must be here they cried.

And when they went inside the cave there was Mary, Joseph and the Little baby Jesus .

They had found the messiah, all because they followed a shining Star.

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