If you run a business there is one thing that you need to do,
and that is the accounts.
You may hate it but is necessary.
You write down everything you have spent and everything that has came in to the business.
Hopefully the amount coming in is bigger than the amount going out.
Its a record of everything that the business is doing.
You can analise the data and see if you are performing better than last year.
The accounts are a record of everything you have done in Business.
The bible tells us that God keeps accounts.
Everything we do is recorded by God.
Sometimes we can think we get away with something wrong but the reality is we don't, because God sees.
One day God will call us to account for everything we have done.
Everythink we have ever done will be on that list.
But God in his mercy can clean that list.
He doesn't wipe away the sin, because he is rightous.
But someone else paid for that sin, His name is Jesus.
Jesus took our sin, he took the punishment.
So when we believe and put our trust in him he cleans the list.
We are forgiven . Amen .