Are you battling the giants or are the giants battling you ?
There are times in our lives when things are tough,
Sometimes life is full of ups and downs.
We go through seasons of Good and seasons of bad
Sometimes we have to battle giants in our lives.
But every challenge we face God knows about and he knows how much we can bare.
God will sometimes put a small challenge into our life to prove to you that he is there and that he
Its the challenges that get us down on our knees and pray.
We pray about the challenge and God answers, In turn what has God done ?
He has built our faith, because we saw the answer when we prayed.
All those little challenges help us to trust God more and make us stronger in our faith for the bigger challenges that will come.
Look at David the shepherd boy, he looked after his sheep in the fields,
Sometimes a Lion or bear would come and attack the sheep, but David knew what to do.
He would get out his sling shot, place a stone inside and fling it towards the Lion or Bear.
The threat would be killed and the sheep saved.
David was a good Shepherd looking after his sheep.