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Shine On-Tori Kelly
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Bible stories

They are for you


There are many bible stories with people of good and bad character.

We can read about the lives of the patriarchs and how they lived before God.

Some bible characters were good and some were bad.

But every story is a lesson for us.

That is why it is good to read your bible.

As you read your bible you are putting God's wisdom into your life.

Man's wisdom can be floored but God's wisdom is perfect.

If you are going through a difficult time, you can find wisdom in the bible.

The bible will lead you and guide you onto the right path.

But left closed and on the shelf, it has no power.

A bible has to be read to have power.

It can change your life; It can increase your faith and make you into a mighty man.

As you read its pages let God transform you into someone who will go out and do great things because you have Great faith in an awesome God.

Read your bible today and Let God transform you.

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