have you ever seen builders build a house.
the most important part of the house is the foundation.
If you get that wrong then your whole house is in trouble.
You can have beautiful marble columns, Beautiful windows and very big doors.
High ceilings and magnificent staircase.
You could have a palace.
But if the foundation isn't correct you've got nothing.
Because it won't be long before the whole building collapses.
The foundation is the most important part of a building.
What we build our lives upon is also important.
We live in a world where things that look stable can soon quickly be gone.
You can live for money but if you lose your job then the money will dry up.
You can live for fame, one day the media loves you then the next day they turn against you.
Jesus is a sure solid foundation.
He doesn't change he stays the same.
The Bible says that God is the same, Yesterday, today and Forever.
He never changes, So you can rely on him.
Give him your heart today.