He has broken the walls of hostility
Some people have amazing testimonies, they were living bad lives, doing all the wrong things, living life the way that they wanted to live life, not having a care in the world and then suddenly God came along.
He changed and transformed their life.
He became their peace.
Peace is very important in today's world.
People are running around here and their trying to get everything done, Juggling family life and work life.
Trying to find time to be together with their families.
It can be a very busy time and it can be a very frustrating time, If something breaks down.
If a child isn't quite ready but he needs to go to his sport event.
Family peace can soon be broken.
Children fighting and arguing over who will sit in the front seat.
It can be hard for a parent to stay calm.
But in the midst of all the chaos and stress, Christ is our peace.
Keep your eyes focused on him.
Keep your perspective, Don't let a problem get over inflated.
If children are slow at getting ready, make it into a game that they can enjoy.
They will be competitive and you will be less stressed.
Let Christ take the stress out of everyday practical life.
He is your peace.