What is your calling?
Have you ever seen a city on a hill?
It stands out for miles and miles,
Perhaps you can see a famous landmark.
Jerusalem is built on a hill and as you look over just out of Bethlehem you can see the big Bridge.
It may be miles and miles away but you can see it.
Can you imagine Jerusalem in olden days, today because it is all built up its harder to see but to go to Jerusalem when it was a small walled city,
You would be walking and suddenly you could see it in the distance.
We are nearly there.
Jerusalem the Holy city
The city on a hill.
Today we are the light of the world, a city on a hill
shining out the love and mercy of God.
People should be able to look at Christians and their very life points to Jesus like a light on a hill.
Today how do you reflect Jesus.
Are you shining bright ?
Or do you need to clean that light
You are a city on a hill.