يعرض الآن

The Awesome God You Are-Matt Redman
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Connecting with each other.


Communication is important, without it life would be confusing.

A marriage wouldn't work if the husband and wife didn't communicate.

A business would fail if the management didn't communicate to its staff.

Communication lets someone else know your wishes, your opinions and ideas.

Today we live in a world of communication.

We have the telephone and mobile where we can speak.

We have the TV where people communicate all the time, Advertisement is all about communication, Letting you know that a product is available and why you should have it.

Facebook is all about communication, you are sharing with your followers your thoughts, opinions, your pictures, even what you are having for lunch.

So much communication but have you thought about communication with God?

God wants you to communicate with him.

He wants you to share your thoughts and ideas, your sadness and your joy.

We don't have to buy a piece of equipment to communicate with God, We don't need to be in a specific location.

We can communicate anywhere, If it is the deepest ocean or the highest mountain, God's communication works.

Try communicating with God today.

الاكثر من مدونات

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