يعرض الآن

Basics-Holly Halliwell
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Jesus went round the country doing good to people and the people loved him but the religious didn't.


They saw someone who was breaking their Sabbath law .

Jesus would heal people on the Sabbath and it would make the religious angry.

“There are 6 days to heal, Don't do it on the Sabbath” they would say.

But there words weren't filled with compassion.

Imagine being ill for so many years, you have struggled with sickness, its taken your energy and your money.

Then someone comes along your path who can heal you, Are you going to wait another day ?

Yes Jesus could have healed the next day, But his heart was full of compassion.

The bible says “I require mercy rather than sacrifice.”

Jesus met the needs of the people exactly where they were at.

Today do you have a heart of compassion?

Can you help the needs of someone around you today?

Look for those little moments in life where you can share compassion with others and make a big difference. 

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