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David's Sin

When you read the bible you can find many heroes.


There are so many to choose from.
One of them is King David .
He was a great man with a great heart.
But if we read his story closely we find out that he sinned greatly.
He had an affair with another man's wife.
Not only that, but he conspired to have that man killed.
This is King David that we all know and love.
He committed great sin.
It's a sad tale.
But it's also encouraging because the David who sinned in a great way was also forgiven in a great way.
Where sin abounds Grace abounds even more.
I know that there is nothing God can't forgive when I read David's story.
David lived with the consequences of his actions But God forgave him of great sin.
Today have you sinned ?
Have you sinned in a great way ?
Go to God 
His grace is bigger than your sin.

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