يعرض الآن

Nothing In This World-Tim Hughes
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


There are times in life when things don’t go as planned


Perhaps all our hopes were on a certain job and we just didn’t get it.

Sometimes we can even pray for something but the answer comes back as No.

In life we will go through many disappointments but true character is how we deal with those disappointments.

Do we get angry and frustrated with others because things didn’t work out, or do we forgive when others let us down?

Life is full of ups and downs and God has everything planned for your life so really nothing is disappointment.

God has your life planned out from Beginning to end.

If we allow God to take the driving seat of our Life, then God will take us on a wonderful journey

We just need to tune our Hearts with Gods heart.

When we are one, When your heart is tuned to God's

 then we will have less disappointments because you are saying "God you are in control,

You lead and I will follow".

Let God steer your life today

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