You can't do what you want.
Discipleship is about following Jesus.
If you say that you follow Jesus, then you will obey his teachings.
You can't say “I follow Jesus” then just do whatever you want otherwise you are not following Jesus at all.
Jesus' teachings will be your foundation stone on which you will build your faith.
You will be reprogrammed from thinking like the world to thinking like God That takes discipleship.
To follow Christ successfully, you should be having a time of reading his word and prayer.
You don't do it because you have to but because you want to.
But some days you will be busy or have other things that get in the way.
That is where discipleship helps, you may be tired but discipleship says I must do it, I want to spend that time with God. You break through the tiredness or the busyness and do what you know is important.
Spending time with God is your recharge, make sure you are a powerful disciple, ready to represent him.