what does it mean to you?
For some people it is a holiday, a chance to have a rest from work and be lazy for a few days, for others it is a time to hunt Easter eggs and eat lots of chocolate. Still others it's a time for family and friends to come together and eat some nice food.
Which category do you fit into?
Easter is a time for remembering.
It's a time to remember what happened 2000 years ago.
In the dusty streets of Jerusalem an innocent man was sent to the cross and died.
But his death would shake the world.
He died on a cross but on Sunday he rose again.
History would never be the same.
Even today our date is taken from that time.
Jesus came and died on a cross for our sins so that My sin and your sin could be forgiven.
All the things that we do for Easter are fun but we must never lose the true meaning of Easter.
God became man and died for our sin.
It was a great day in history, It will never be repeated.
Get to know the Easter story and make it an important part of your life.
Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and receive new life.
Then Easter will have new meaning.
Hallelujah he is risen.