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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Doubting Thomas


Poor Thomas, he wasn't there when the Jesus came to the disciples after resurrection, So he just couldn't believe that Jesus had risen from the dead.

But put yourself into his shoes for a minute.

Imagine if someone that you knew had died, You know they had died and you went to their funeral, then 3 days later I came and told you that I had seen your friend who had died in town this morning.

You wouldn't believe me, so we shouldn't judge Thomas too harshly because we would probably do the same thing.

But for Thomas the grace of God would come and Jesus would visit the disciples, this time Thomas would be there and he would see his Lord and saviour in his resurrected body.

Thomas got to see and prove that Jesus wasn't dead but alive.

Jesus had conquered the grave and Thomas had the privilege of seeing Jesus after his death.

He's alive, he's alive Jesus is alive,

It's the same message today, Jesus is alive

Amen Hallelujah.

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