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Tha Rally-T-Bone
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Easter, What's it all about ?

What is Easter all about?.


Its a time when we get Easter eggs and chocolate rabbits but is that what its about?

Its a time for having holiday, a few days off school or work but is that what its about.

Easter is about Love, But when you read the Easter story in the bible it seems a long way from love.

Jesus died on a very painful cross.

Movies have been made of the crucifiction and we can see how terrible it must have been.

But who was this Jesus.?

In Roman times robbers and rebels were crucified, So was Jesus a robber or a rebel ?

Why did he die and why did he change history .

The story is simple, God had a plan.

Mankind was wicked and sinful and because of that sin mankind had to be punished.

After all God is holy and rightous, He has to punish sin.

He can't punish one person and let another person go free that just wouldn't be fair.

So God put a plan in motion, He would come down in human form and die himself for the sins of the whole world.

Jesus came and lived on earth for about 33 years, he went round the country doing good , Healing people, Bringing hope and touching people's lives.

But eventually there would be a betrayal and Jesus would be handed over to the Romans.

But this didn't catch God by surprise.

God knew exactly what he was doing.

Jesus was whipped and beaten,

Spat upon and mocked then handed over to be crucified.

Humankind sank to its lowest But God was still in control .

Jesus died on that painful cross.

And as he died the sins of the world were placed upon him.

Think of all the bad things you have ever done,

Every one of your sins was placed on the Cross of Jesus.

Jesus died for your sins and mine.

Jesus took the punishment of sin.

Today I can accept Jesus as my Lord and savior.

And when I die and stand before God in Heaven he will ask me one question “Where is your sin”.

My answer will be “Jesus has it”.

My sin is gone and God will allow me into heaven.

Not because I am rightous and holy but because Jesus paid the price for my sin .

He was my substitute dying in my place for my sin.

And this is why we celebrate Easter today.

So its not about the Easter egg or easter Rabbit its about God showing his love to mankind and forgiving me of my sins.

God truly loves me .

I'm forgiven and set free.

God's plan was truly wonderful.

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