يعرض الآن

What Is This Thing Called Love?-Delirious?
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A happy time


The Easter story is a sad story but it is also a happy story too,

If you just read what happened when Jesus died, then you would come away thinking that that was a sad story.

But it isn't the end, Sunday was coming and Jesus rose from the dead.

He wasn't dead anymore but now he was alive.

Can you imagine the disciples shock and disbelief.

They knew what had happened, they knew that Jesus had been taken by the Roman soldiers in the garden of Gethsemane.

Peter had followed Jesus all the way to Caiaphas's house, John was at the execution site with Mary, Jesus' mother.

They knew Jesus had died and yet on Sunday Jesus was alive.

It must have been a very confusing time, But Jesus proved to everyone that he truly was the son of God.

Jesus rising from the dead was all part of God's plan.

The disciples met Jesus and were astonished.

How would you have reacted ?

Put yourself into their shoes, I think we would have been astonished too.

Today we should thank God for Easter.

We should thank God for his amazing plan of redemption.

We are forgiven and set free; Jesus paid it all.



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