يعرض الآن

Make It Through-Leanna Crawford
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

Faith, not works

Gods ways are not man's ways .


Many people think they will get to heaven because they haven't done many bad things.

Perhaps they measure themselves against their neighbour , “well I'm not as bad as him”.

They think God will accept them because they've done one or two good things and they haven't done anything seriously bad.

We think “if I work my way into heaven then I am sure to find myself a place there”.

But Gods ways are different.

God knows you cannot work your way into heaven .

Our good works are like filthy rags before him .

It's all about faith .

Do you believe God's message of Salvation?

God sent Jesus to die for sin,my sin can be forgiven,all I have to do is Ask Jesus to forgive me and have faith. 

Repent and Believe.

And my place is guaranteed in heaven.

Not because of what I have done, it's all about Jesus and his grace.

You can't work your way into heaven,it's about faith .


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