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Unstoppable-Social Club Misfits Ft Ryan Ellis
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Free will

God has created us all unique and individual.


And he gave each and everyone a wonderful gift.

That free gift is free will, we can choose what we do and what we don't do.

Free will is a wonderful gift but its also very dangerous.

God gave us free will so we don't have to love him if we don't want to, but I am sure God's heart of love breaks when he sees someone turn away from him and wanders down his own path.

God in his love gives us rules and commandments to help our life and make it more enjoyable, and also to help us avoid pains and griefs.

Many people decide to ignore God's rules and God and often in the end find a path filled with pain and hurt.

Gods ways are best, the bible says his word is a light to our path, helping us see along the path of life.

Use your free will today to love a creator who loves you, find out what he has planned for your life, God is a father who wants the best for you.

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