Isn’t it amazing.
Fruit on a tree.
It comes from know where yet it’s there.
No one tells it to come yet it comes.
Something inside the tree says it’s the right time to produce fruit.
And when it comes it’s amazing.
All that fruit for us to enjoy.
Full of vitamins.
And if there is too much we can sell it .
The fruit tree is a big blessing to our lives .
We should be like that fruit tree, producing fruit for all to enjoy.
Love, joy , peace , patience , kindness , goodness, faithfulness and self control.
They are all fruit of the spirit .
And when we are living in the fruit of the spirit then we are in the best place we need to be.
God has given us the gifts to help and care for others, to be a blessing to others.
Does your life reflect the fruits of the spirit.?