يعرض الآن

Go-Darlene Zschech
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ




all around us is death, we see it everywhere.

You can turn on your tv and see death on the news, it's in the newspaper.

It can even be in the family.

But why is their death?

One day we will die, we hope it won't be for a long time but we never know when death will knock on our door.

I cannot guarantee that I will be alive in 5 minutes time.

The book of Genesis tells us how death came into the world.

It was a result of disobedience.

God gave a commandment with a warning, do not eat from the tree, when you do you will die.

Of course, we know the story and Adam and Eve ate from the tree and they died.

They died in 2 ways Physically and spiritually.

They didn't die physically straight away, it took time, but they did die spiritually straight away.

Their relationship with God was never the same after that.

Death reigned but God had a solution, Jesus Christ.

Jesus came and died for sin and set us free from the sting of death.

He put our spiritual relationship right with God.

Sin is delt with so God can have a relationship with you.

We will still die physically but we know where we are going, all because of God's free gift of salvation, paid for by Jesus Christ.

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