The time of year
Do you suffer from Hay fever?
The pollen out in the atmosphere is something that we can't see but it affects those who have an allergy.
Your eyes begin to itch and water, and you sneeze.
The pollen is affecting you in a big way.
Little tiny pollen can do so much to make your life difficult if you have an allergy.
Some people take a pill to help them others put Vaseline under their nose to catch the pollen.
It is a frustrating thing to suffer from when the pollen is high in the atmosphere.
It causes distress to the sufferer.
It is so small but causes so much distress.
It makes me think about ourselves, we may not be big in society, but do we affect the society around us.
If a tiny bit of pollen can do so much harm then how much good can I do?
I may not be very influential but I have potential to do great things in my community.
I can grow and bring change.
How do you affect the community?
Do you get up people's noses and irritate people or do you bring about change?
No matter how small we are we can influence our community for good.