a moment of pain
The garden of gethsemane was a crushing time for Jesus.
He knew that the moment had arrived.
He would be whipped and beaten; a crown of thorns placed upon his head.
And he would die for the sins of the world.
Most of all he would be cut off from the father.
This would be an experience Jesus had never known before.
But he was willing to go through all of this pain and suffering for you and me.
Jesus came sinless to die for the sinner, He came to take our punishment.
Jesus showed mankind the great love God has for his children that he himself would be willing to die for sin.
For sin that must be punished if God is a just God.
Because of that one act at Calvary God can declare, The crime has been paid for, Justice has been served.
Jesus paid the price for our sin and shame.
It was God's love for us, shouldn't we now show our love for God in response?