How much time do you spend on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter?
We can spend a lot of our time making comments, liking photos and checking news feeds .
Do you see other people and their photos ?
Do they get more likes than you ?
How does that make you feel ?
Perhaps a good looking guy or girl keeps getting all the likes and you only get one or two.
But life isn't built around how many likes we get on social media.
Those people although they get the likes may have a life that is falling apart.
Likes don't tell the full story.
It may feel like they are always having a good time and always with their friends, but social media is only a glimpse into someone's day .
Rather than be concerned about how many likes you have look to the bigger picture around you.
You have good family, friends or school.
You have a job which provides money for you and most importantly you have a God who always clicks like when he sees you .
God is on your side and he loves you.