يعرض الآن

Vegan Burgers-Kurtis Hoppie
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

Easter celebration

A wonderful time


Easter is a happy time, Its a time for family to come together.

But it is also a time when we should remember.

2000 years ago Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethshemane.

He went through the agony and suffering.

He prayed for strength for what he must do.

And then he was arrested and treated very cruely.

He carried his cross down the street knowing their was no other way in which mankind could be saved.

People who were around him shouting insults and spitting on him.

If only they had understood what Jesus was really doing.

They would have bowed their heads in shame.

Jesus was dying for the sins of the world.

This was going to be the biggest event in history.

Man's sin would be forgiven because the price was about to be paid.

What an awesome day.

What an awesome God.

Let the message of Jesus fill your heart and fill you with joy.

And respond to his message today.

Receive him as your Lord and Savior.


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