يعرض الآن

Great Is Your Name-Marc James and Vineyard Uk
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


An upstanding man.

Joseph was a good man.

But he had a very big challenge to face.

Can you imagine him finding out that Mary was pregnant.

It must have broken his heart.

Why did she betray me” all kind of thoughts in his mind.

He had every right to be angry and get his revenge on Mary who had so broken his heart.

But he didn't, he wanted to put her away quietly.

Even though he thought he had been betrayed, he didn't want to tell the world his hurt and pain, he just wanted to remove her quietly.

But then an angel came to him and put the whole story straight.

The Angel confirmed Mary's story.

She was a holy woman; she hadn't betrayed him.

There was something bigger happening and it was all part of God's plan.

The Angel brought such joy and relief to Joseph's heart.

Joseph still had gossips to contend with but he knew he and Mary could hold their heads high because they understood the purposes of God.

Joseph was a man of God; he was an example to us all.

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