are you happy?
Are you happy in life? Does each day bring you happiness or does it seem to bring misery?
God wants us to have the joy of the Lord.
We don't really have a reason to be miserable, when we are a Christian, because God has saved us from our sin and we are going to heaven.
We know where we're going so we can live our life stress free.
Paul in the bible said it well “If I live I live for the Lord and If I die I be with him”, Its a win,win situation.
When we know where we are going then we can have Joy.
It gives us a peace in our heart.
Of course we will have times of sadness for instance when a loved one dies, it fills us with grief for a time, but God can fill us with his joy even at the darkest of times.
Don't allow your heart to begin to moan and complain but fill your heart with joy.
Its a gift from God.