يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Judgement came down

God's hand


Sodom and Gomorrah were wicked cities, they were living in sin and God said “enough”.

That is It, Judgement is coming”. and we know from the bible story that judgement did come.

The city was destroyed.

The story tells us what God thinks of sin and it also tells us that God does act.

Sometimes God takes years to act, That is not because he is slow, No, It's his grace and mercy.

He gives people time to repent.

God gave Sodom and Gomorrah time to repent but they didn't, If they had then maybe the two cities would be around today but no, they didn't repent so God stepped in and wiped them out.

God has the right to do that.

He is a holy and awesome God; His judgements are correct.

He is not like a corrupt judge where you can bribe him to get the decision that fits you.

No God judges from a standpoint of righteousness and holiness.

God wasn't unfair with Sodom and Gomorrah, They had sinned and the bible says the wages of sin is death.

Death came and now they are no more.

There is a lesson for us today.

Are you living in sin?

Do you know that you are living in sin?

Is God calling you out of that sin?

If the answer is yes, then respond to God's call or repentance.

Respond while you can because one day it may be too late.

Receive Grace and mercy today.

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