I think Gideon was a timid person.
He didn’t realize his potential
He was hiding from the Midianites.
Then an angel came to him and called him a mighty man.
I don’t think Gideon believed it.
In his head Gideon was weak but in his heart he was strong.
He just needed to be told he was a mighty warrior.
God gave Gideon a work to do.
“Go and destroy your father’s idol”
Gideon had a choice, obey or disobey.
The choice was his.
He chose to obey and when he destroyed his father’s idol God filled him with the Holy Spirit.
God blessed him because of his obedience.
God also gave him the job of rescuing his people from the Midianites.
He had to be obedient first, and then God promoted him to be a leader.
Obedience brings the blessing.
What is God asking you to do today?
God won’t give you something else to do until you first do what he asked you to do.
Be obedient today and receive the blessing.