A chosen one
Can you imagine being chosen for such a task as bearing the Son of God.
What an awesome privilege and responsibility.
Mary was responsible for the upbringing of Jesus.
Her and Joseph would teach him the ways of God.
Read the Old testament to him when he went to bed.
Leading by example in their life.
It was such a privilege.
Mary was chosen for a very special task.
An Historic task which would ultimately change the world.
She bore her responsibility well.
She was faithful.
Today God has tasks for his people.
Special tasks for you and me.
But we have to be faithful like Mary was.
God can call you and commission you with a very special task.
If you are open and willing.
It's not an easy thing to run with God's calling,
people won't understand.
Can you imagine the gossip that Mary must have had to endure.
Thinking she was a bad woman.
People not understanding.
Mary was used in the upbringing of Jesus our saviour, what will God ask you to do.