Today technology is amazing.
Things that couldn’t be done 100 years ago can be done in minutes today.
You can sit in your house and move money all around the world.
Just by the click of a button.
One click and the money will leave your bank account and reach someone in another country.
It’s amazing!
Today we have the technology to help people but do we have the will to help other people.
When there are desperate times what do you do?
Do you want to keep things for yourself or do you want to help?
We can’t help everybody but we can do our bit.
There is a world that has plenty but on the other side there is a world with very little.
If God has blessed you with plenty can you spare a little for someone who has nothing?
How we react to money tells us a lot about our heart.
If we love money more than our fellow man then we are in a sad state.
Because one day we will die and our money will go to someone else.
God will ask you what you did.
And then what will your answer be?
Use your time wisely, and try to help others.