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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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It will happen


Have you ever been persecuted for what you believe?

You have maybe had a biblical belief and people have hated your point of view so much that they have actively moved to treat you badly.

Perhaps get you fired from a job or get you banned from an organization.

Persecution is real and it is out there.

Don't be surprised when it happens, There are people out there who don't think like Bible believing Christians, your biblical view exposes people's sin.

So expect to be persecuted.

Jesus was persecuted, The religious eventually had Jesus tried and executed through the roman system.

Remember Jesus gave his life, It didn't come as a surprise but it was persecution that brought it to a head.

The bible says that those who wish to live a godly life will be persecuted.

If you stand as a light to this generation, you will upset some people.

You only need to go out into the street and preach a gospel message to see the abuse and ridicule you will receive.

If you are on Facebook and a News article comes up and you put your biblical point of view, then get ready for abuse by those people who hate your point of view.

It's in those times of persecution that we can show the love of Christ.

Instead of retaliation we show love, Instead of anger we show grace.

Watch out for persecution and make sure your heart is right.

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