يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Questions of life

why am I here?


The bible answers those questions

as you spend time reading God's word you will begin to realize that God loves you and you are not an accident.

Genesis tells you that you were created in the image of God, not an accident of nature.

You are made in the image of God not evolved from a monkey.

The bible tells you that God thought about you before you were born so that even in the womb you are special.

The bible even answers the question about what will happen to you when you die.

You will go to heaven to be with him if you accept that Jesus died and paid for your sins.

So, you see the bible answers the questions of life.

If all the answers are in the pages of this great book, then maybe it is time that you read the book.

God's gift to mankind is his book the bible, it is the instruction manual to life.

Don't throw it on the self, read it and get to know the real you and what you can achieve with God's help

read your bible every day.

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