love one another
If you bought a Black cat and a White cat would they hate each other?
Would they fight each other and call each other names?
No they would curl up on the bed and sleep.
They would keep each other warm and care for each other.
If two cats can do that then why can't we?
Why do we have racial tension?
The Black man hates the white man and the white man hates the black man.
Both are made in the image of God.
God loves both equally.
So why do we have hatred and prejudice towards each other?
God has created us all equal in his sight so we should look with God's eyes .
Gods eyes are love and compassion.
Care and support.
Don't hate your brother because of the colour of his skin.
No one can help what colour they are,so why do we treat people with disrespect based on the colour.
God loves you just the way you are, colour doesn't even come into it.
If God can love someone that is different to you then we aught to as well.
Switch off your colour sensors and love people for who they are.