Imagine the sadness of seeing someone you love die on a cruel wooden cross.
Dying like a common criminal,
The disciples had followed him for years so you knew he was innocent, they knew that all the things people were saying about Jesus were lies and just not true.
It was a sad day when Jesus died.
Humankind had killed God, very sad, but not the end of the story.
It may have been Friday when Jesus died, but Sunday was coming.
Death couldn't hold him, Jesus would raise with power.
The Devil sort to destroy Jesus and get rid of him for ever.
I am sure on Friday they rejoiced and celebrated, but on Sunday when they heard that Jesus had risen from the dead and broken the curse of sin, then their joy turned to weeping.
What the devil meant for harm, God used for good.
Jesus destroyed the rule of sin and death.
Now the disciples weeping would turn into Joy.
Today we can celebrate, sin has no hold,
Its power has been destroyed by Love.
The Love of Jesus, who would come and die for you and me.